How it works
NOW WITH EASY SELF TAP WIRES - no wire splicing required
Works with a timer and 12V battery for SILENT FEEDING (with corn), or with a standard 12V feeder kit (motor/timer/spinner)
Strong neodymium magnets hold it in place (self-tap screws also available for non-metal feeders, or added security)
Innovative internal design so varmints cannot access it
Never exposed to the outer elements or varmints
The Corn Bank opens only when the motor/timer is activated and allows corn to be dispersed
The inexpensive way to eliminate loss of corn to varmints, wind, birds, etc.
Made by a hunter, for hunters
Fits most types of feeders
Requires 8-9 cm (approximately 5 square inches) of internal flat surface for installation purposes
Will NOT install into feeders with an inverted, internal motor
SEE MOST CURRENT INSTALL YouTube VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeTQGNAzcqE
Your feeder is not the problem. It's what's missing inside your feeder.
US Patent #9,277, 730